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Here are the commands currently supported by the CLI.


After creating the cb-config.toml file, you can now run the Commit-Boost sidecar. First run:

commit-boost init --config cb-config.toml

This will create three files:

  • cb.docker-compose.yml, which contains the full setup of the Commit-Boost services
  • .cb.env, with local env variables, including JWTs for modules
  • target.json, which enables dynamic discovery of services for metrics scraping via Prometheus


To start Commit-Boost run:

commit-boost start --docker cb.docker-compose.yml --env .cb.env

This will start up the services including PBS, commit modules (if any), and metrics collection.

The MEV-Boost server will be exposed at pbs.port from the config, 18550 in our example. You'll need to point your CL/Validator client to this port to be able to source blocks from the builder market.

This will also start a Prometheus server on port 9090 and a Grafana instance on port 3000. We're working to provide built-in dashboards for the core services.


To check logs, run:

commit-boost logs

This will currently show all logs from the different services via the Docker logs interface. We're working to add persistent logging.


To stop all the services and cleanup, simply run:

commit-boost stop

This will wind down all services and clear internal networks and file mounts.